….. Yes, Katherine is still writing…. mostly FanFiction…. Fans of her FanFiction have encouraged her to start a Patron, which she did https://www.patreon.com/lovepsycho

New Release: Reaper And Donut

Aah, the new year…

And I’m late with this one. Can’t help it when life gets in your way but I had hoped to be able to publish the second volume of the Pizza and Demon series earlier than now. Still, I do hope people will enjoy it.

It picks up some time after the end of Pizza And Demon. As Halloween approaches, John and Ziv end up caught up in another adventure. This time it’s a murder mystery, involving one Reaper named Carol who doubles as a detective. Not to mention John’s ex, Delilah, is unfortunately wrapped up into things as well.

Hopefully it’s exciting and well written enough to be worth the price! Same price as the last one and hopefully just as interesting as the last.

Check to your right for the links to get it in epub or mobi format.

Hopefully the next one will come out soon…once I get the muses back on track. Of course the plan for the next one is basically Tropical Christmas Wedding with loads of family drama…and John has a big family to boot!


Tomb Raider (2013) Review

Yes, I’m late to the party…but I finally got my hands on it and played through it. Though it took longer than I expected and probably not for what reasons you expect.

Consider this the start to a series of game/movie/show/book reviews I’m hoping to do. The standard formatting for how I will rate games will be set up here.

Continue reading “Tomb Raider (2013) Review”

This blog is officially getting somewhere.

Which doesn’t really mean anything right now. However, the first, original reason for starting this site has begun.

If you look to the right, you will see links to getting an epub or mobi version of my first novella, Pizza And Demon. It’s a quirky, queer (in the form of LGBT characters and strange happenings) short novella about an ordinary bisexual college guy meeting a bigender demon, with hijinks thus ensuing. It is also the start of a new series, which will be ten novellas in lengths. I have plans.

let’s hope i can keep them

*coughs* Now, if you wish to read them, you should have a reader for it. If you are having trouble, check out this post here from the tech guy for general advice and info.

It is also only (trumpets blaring) $2! Yes, just for $2 (which you pay via paypal and have to give your email and a name for to get) you can hopefully be entertained for like an hour. Again, it’s a novella. It’s short. It also will do things like support this poor author so she can make more novellas and novels. Hopefully I will get my tech guy (who is a poor stressed man who I owe so many beers for this) to arrange for a donate button soon.

Also, I need to pay my artist friend so yeah, money. Money is good. Especially for paying friends for being awesome.

Well? Interested? It’s on your left! Go forth and feed the author! And hopefully enjoy yourself while at it.

K. A. W

In Regards to getting the book downloads

You have a choice of purchasing either the “epub” or “mobi” formatted versions of the book. Most eBook readers handle epub format easily. Amazon’s Kindle works very well with the “mobi” formated version, so if you use a Kindle, you might as well purchase that version.

On Android phones, there are many eBook reader Apps. Both Nook, Kobo and Kindle Apps are free and work reasonably well, though they do want you to create accounts and they will try to sell you more stuff. There are other apps that can be used to read eBooks, with FBReader being free and recommended by a number of sites.

It is quite similar with iPhones, with Nook, Kobo, and Kindle Apps being available. Apple also has a eBook reader app as well.

The easiest way to get the file to your phone or pad device is to open the purchase email you have received and download the book to your device.

On Windows it is a little more frustrating to use Kobo, or Kindle. It is not clear how you access the file through their apps. The Windows 10 version of Kobo works fine (import icon at bottom right of your library page), but it is not obvious how you import files with Kobo Desktop.

There are a lot of free eReaders available for Windows, with the free Icecream eBook reader being highly recommended: http://icecreamapps.com/Ebook-Reader/

For Apple we have heard that the Apples own iBooks works well with ePub and that Kitabu is free and is also good.

We hope this is helpful. We are not experts in this matter, but we have heard that Mr. Google knows a lot more 🙂